Nothing is more sad than your precious cat becoming ill, right? Even though cats are very self-maintained animals, there are some diseases that haunt them always. Here are some of the most common cat diseases:
Vomiting can happen to a cat for various of reasons. The most common reason is something that they shouldn’t such as poisonous or inedible foods. Vomiting may also occur as a sign of urinary traction, infection or diabetes.
The symptoms of cat vomiting are very obvious. Drooling as well as abdominal heaving is the first symptoms to look for. Vomiting drains away the liquid from your cat’s body very quickly. If you see signs of vomiting in your cat, immediately take him/her to the vet. You should also provide plenty of liquid to your cat. Sometimes, a sample of your cat vomiting will be helpful to diagnose the disease. Don’t be ewww, it’s your cat’s health we are talking about!
Urinary Tract Disease:
3% cats of the world suffer from urinary tract disease. Many cat owners think it as a single disease. But it is a wrong assumption. It is a group of disease that may cause for multiple reasons.
Urinary Traction disease may occur in both male and female cats. But it is more often seen in obese cats and cats who solely eat dry food. Urinary Traction Disease may also happen from mental issues such as stress, multi-cat-household or any sudden change in your cat’s life. The symptoms of urinary traction diseases are as below:
- Urine mixed with blood
- Urinating becomes tough for the cat
- Not urinating in the usual place
- Crying when the cat is doing his business
- Often licking in the lower abdominal area
- Dehydration
- Depression
- Not eating
- Vomiting
Flea is a very common external parasite for cats. Almost every cat at one time of their life suffered from flea. Fortunately, curing flea is easy. Symptoms that your cat has flea are:
- You’ll see tiny black dots on your cat’s fur and skin. This is also known as flea dirt.
- All the time scratching
- All the time licking body parts
- Skin becomes red or irritated
- Hair fall
- Infections on skin
So, these are the top 3 most common diseases in cats. Though these diseases can be easily taken care of, they may become fatal if you don’t take action immediately. Also, these can be the symptom of much more dangerous diseases. So, I suggest, whenever you see these symptoms on your cat, go to the vet with your cat immediately.
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